
Month: November 2018

It’s Your Choice: Be Average or Be Extraordinary

It’s Your Choice: Be Average or Be Extraordinary

92% of people do not achieve their goals. That’s the majority of people in your city! This includes your family members and some of your closest friends. Here’s a question for you, do you want to be like them? Compromising your dream for a paycheque, letting go of what’s important to you because you feel stuck, […]

This Is Why You Aren’t Living Your Dreams Yet

This Is Why You Aren’t Living Your Dreams Yet

“Goals may give focus, but dreams give power.”– John C Maxwell (Click to tweet)  Let’s be honest, it’s the end of the year. You started out with big dreams and creative ways to accomplish them, but how many did you actually achieve? If you said almost none, that’s okay, because it’s perfectly NORMAL! 92% of […]