In today’s episode, I want to address one of the biggest questions I get about goal-setting. It’s something that comes up for almost everyone, so if you’ve been on this journey for a while, this might apply to you as well. The question is “Is it really possible for ME to achieve my ambitious goal?” which at the core is really asking
- Are my goals realistic enough?
- Do I really have what it takes to create this new result in my life?
- …and if so, HOW?
Well, if I were to try and answer all of these questions in one podcast episode, you would be here for hours! So the short answer is: YES! It is possible. So let me walk you through how.
How To Go From Where You Are To Where You Want To Be
You see, for most of our adult life, we’ve been taught to have larger-than-life goals that inspire us to take action and compel us to wake up every morning, but something all successful people know and practice in order to become successful is laying out a clear action plan.
We have to give our goals the right framework in order to begin producing the right results. So I’m going to walk you through the exact steps I take when I set out to achieve a brand new goal from scratch.
Step #1: I Begin With The End In Mind – VISION
As you know from the book The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People, Stephen Covey taught us to always begin with the end in mind. For me, this means being reflective and understanding my true intention for pursuing a goal. I ask myself questions like, is this idea aligned with my purpose? What is my intention for achieving this? What do I want to be true at the end of my life? Is this something I was made to do (am naturally gifted in) or is it just a cool idea?
These kind of questions help me to filter out activities and ideas that are not aligned with my purpose and could turn into distractions!
Step #2: I Create A Plan – GPS
This is by far the most important activity in this entire process because a vision without a plan is just a dream. It won’t happen. The vision is an invitation to create a new ending, but the plan helps to solidify a process for getting to the result which makes it all possible.
So following the 90-day framework that I share with you all the time. You can read more about it here. I plug my vision into the process which then gives me a breakdown, complete with actionable baby steps so I can have clarity on where to start and focus on my 5% activities which help to maximize my effort, time, and results.
Step #3: I Follow- Through – COMMITMENT
Now I admit! This is probably the hardest part of the whole process because I have to break old habits and ultimately become a totally new person in the process of achieving a new goal. It’s like that old saying, “what got you here, won’t get you there”. So this time is a full process of inner and outer testing, character building, and transformation. But here’s what motivates me to stay the course.
Related Post: How to Harness The Power of Your Mind To Crush Your Goals
If I choose to give up in the middle of the process, what am I proving to be committed to and could that be the reason why I haven’t achieved the things I want? You see, commitment is a funny thing. We can see what we are truly committed to based on our default decisions. The thing we keep producing in our life over and over again is a reflection of what we are actually committed to.
So if we keep failing when it comes to finishing projects like writing a book, completing a music album, finishing a workout, etc. All of these outward activities point to a clear pattern of someone who is committed to not finishing what they start.
This will show up in your business as you being inconsistent. You putting in half-hearted effort to achieve your goals while expecting the full result. My friend, life does not work that way and that behavior will keep you stuck exactly where you are.
Step #4: The Debrief – REVIEW
Now science confirms after a couple of tries, most struggling goal-getters just give up. But the trailblazers who win with goal-setting and actually take their life to the next level know the secret lies in being aware of what is really going on.
In this step, I take time to review all of my progress so far. I look at what is working, what needs improvement, and what I can let go of to move faster to my overall destination.
My debrief process includes looking at the numbers, being honest about my effort, work ethic, team performance, and everything else. Then making an educated forecast about what I need to do in order to get there by or before my deadline.
Step #5: Learn The Lesson – REFLECT
Now that I’ve uncovered my intention, mapped out a clear plan, followed through on the plan, and spent time reviewing the results, I look for the lesson behind all of my miss takes (ha! see what I did there!) then I get ready to blast off again. I use the full 90-days to pursue the goal until it’s complete.
Related Post: Self-Awareness: Facts Over Feelings
Now for my long-term goals that take longer than 3 months (90-days) to achieve, I still work towards them and use the 90-day framework to measure my progress. See this whole thing is a game of progress over perfection.
Run Your Race
It’s not about how fast you can get to the finish line. This is about getting there! It’s not about who has been doing this the longest and who’s the best, it’s just about joining the game, getting experience, growing and learning, and living YOUR true purpose.
We are here to do more than just work a job and die, build a business and die, leave a legacy and be remembered. No, we’re here to create a different world than we came into. We’re here to share our unique gifts with the world and helps others to be better because of it.
So stay focused on your race. Stay in your lane. Be who God made you to be and shine because you truly are a diamond! Hope this helps. Send me a dm on IG to let me know your biggest take away!