
It’s A New Year! Now What?


It’s A New Year! Now What?

Theresa Forever

Most of us get excited to celebrate the fact that we’re coming into a new year and we expect bigger, better, more, extravagant blessings and change to happen, but the truth is change doesn’t happen on its own. Coming into a new year doesn’t automatically mean life will get better and things will be different. We have to create change by changing ourselves and the things we do. We have to be intentional. So hit play and let’s talk about what you can do to make this year better than the last even if you struggle with procrastination.

Something To Think About

Here’s a question I want you to really consider. Are you ready to grow? And if so, what are you letting go of to move your life to the next level? How will you step more into your true purpose this year? Who are you choosing to become this year? Maybe you want to be more disciplined, you want to have more money, you want to execute your business dreams and start impacting the world and your community.


Well, that starts with having a clear vision. What is yours? What is one really cool thing that if you got it done by the end of this year would help you feel like a total rock star? Where do you want to be in life at this time next year and who do you want to be? Those are the 2 most powerful questions you can answer especially now while your New Year high is still buzzing and your dreams are floating around your head like crazy!

Here Are The Facts:

Science confirms that 92% of people fail to achieve their goals. Most of them give up within 30 days. That means in less than 30 days from today, most people will fall back into old unproductive habits that perpetuate the stagnancy they feel, but they will do it not even considering the long-term effects and consequences and then complain about how they feel like life is not moving fast enough or they aren’t getting to where they want to be.

Related Post: 3 Things You Can Do To Stay Laser Focused On Your Goals

This might have been you in the past but it doesn’t have to be anymore. You have 365 days full of opportunities ahead of you. All you need is to establish the right systems, find legit accountability partners, and put some strong boundaries in place. This is will give you a head start and make it harder for you to fail.

You Can Achieve Anything You Want

But you also have to be willing to work for it. There is no such thing as a dream that is too big or a goal that is audacious. The only question is: Are you willing to create it? Will you back up your vision with a plan, a replica system, a framework that will support you on your journey and help you to automate your success. Are you willing to upgrade your hard drive (your brain) which will make it easier for you to attain your goals?

I admit, there is a lot that goes into building your life and making yourself successful but I know that you know it’s worth it. You were made for it. The purpose God put in you is dying to be expressed. The dream God put in your heart is waiting to be manifested. The person you were made to be is eagerly waiting to be revealed, so why not start now!?


What is the consequence of you not achieving your goals this year? I mean, more than just having your life remain stagnant, what else will happen if you decide not to change one thing this year? Will you gain more weight? Will you feel even more out of alignment because you know deep within your heart that you aren’t doing what you were made to do? Will you continue to struggle with some kind of addiction or habitual self-sabotage? Where will you be 3 years from now if you continue down that path? Will you even recognize yourself?

That’s what you have to lose by not taking your goals seriously this year. Yourself.

My Story:

I remember after getting married and having 2 young children under 2 years old, I was killing it! I felt like I was on top of the world in my family life. I was doing a great job as a mom and my kids were happy. But after they would go to bed, I would hear this nagging voice at the back of my mind reminding me of all the dreams, vision, and purpose I had before I got married.

It eventually got so loud and clear that I could no longer feel comfortable and safe staying hidden in my little corner of the world (more like my room lol!). It was as if God had awakened this drive in me and said, “Tee, you haven’t arrived at your final destination. Don’t forget the vision I gave you to impact the world for good, don’t forget your purpose. Don’t forget that I’ve given you a voice and a platform.”

I couldn’t ignore it or pretend like this wasn’t happening NOW. So I reached out to a friend of mine who had 5 children at the time and I shared this desire I had to do more and to be more than just a mom and she told me, “Girl! I feel you and it’s real and you’ll do it. Everything in its time.” and I felt comforted by that. I thought, okay well maybe right now is not the time for me. I gotta focus on the kids and family and just go work my 9-5 and be happy.

But after journaling, praying, and sitting with myself for a bit I knew that was not true for me. That wasn’t my path. It wasn’t the story I was meant to write about my life. So I didn’t.

The Birth of A Blog

I started blogging about my journey as an ambitious mom who had big dreams of changing the world and men and women began to flock from everywhere! I mean people from all over the world were connecting with this message and how I felt. I kept putting out blogs and people started reaching out, thanking me and asking for help. So 3 months into blogging, I started a free mentorship program where I chose 3 people to mentor, support, and work with to help achieve their goals. After the 3 weeks of the program were up, they had the opportunity to work with me further which was the beginning of my business.

Everything Starts With Baby Steps

My friend, listen to me. I did not know that my blog would turn into a mentorship program that would evolve into a business. I did not have a step-by-step business plan, funnel, or strategy for how this was all going to work. I didn’t have extra time to add a growing business to my plate but I was up for the challenge because I knew in my heart it was time for me to do this.

Related Post: Feel Like You Have A Lot To Do & Not Enough Time? Let’s Chat!

So over time, I figured out how to make it all work plus I learned a lot of new skills including how to ask for help. Now the rest is history. Had I not gotten started when it was easier for me to procrastinate, I would not have this blog or podcast. I could not have coached and mentored all of the people, inspiring clients I get to work with. And I would not be the woman you see today.

Now, It’s Your Turn

My friend, you get to choose. What story are you writing every day of your life? Are you growing closer to your purpose or are you sleep walking through life? Really consider, what will it cost you if you chose to squander the next 365 days of this year being complacent and settling with where you are in life?

What are you risking? Who will you become if you don’t get a grip on your life now? Do you wanna be 70 years old in a rocking chair telling your great-grandkids about how you wish you had published that book or started that business? Or do you wanna be the lady who has stories for days about all the crazy adventures following your dreams took you on?

I’m pretty sure you’re here because you want the latter. So make a conscious effort to change this year. It won’t happen by itself and it will feel hard and challenging at times but here in this community, you don’t have to do it alone. We are one dm away so reach out! All the best! Happy new year! And if you need help getting started? Grab this FREE mini-course. Go here to learn more about Your Next 90-days!



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90-Days: One Goal

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91% of people goal-getters FAIL to achieve their goals EVERY single year BUT you don’t have to join them!

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let’s stay connected

hey there!

I’m Theresa Forver

a girl who started an online business that went from $0 – $4k in less than fourteen days

There is nothing I love more than walking along the lake, eating fish tacos, and the scent of a lemongrass candles while working from home with my 2 year old Michael in my lap and my sweet girls Layah and Maya singing “let it go!” in the background!

My mission? To help people like you step into your purpose and achieve goals that matter because life is about more than collecting pay cheques and stunting on the gram.

You are here on PURPOSE! Live like it.

ask tee anything:

got questions?

Curious to hear Tee’s thoughts on a topic, need advice on how to use a 90-day framework to achieve a specific goal, or need help overcoming a challenge that’s getting in between you and your dreams?

Send us a question and you could be featured in our next podcast episode!

top tips:

For Trailblazers

is this you?

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